Thursday, April 9, 2009


I couldn't be more excited about this duvet pattern I found on etsy's blog tonight. I CANNOT WAIT to try it!!!! I've been trying and trying to think of what Y's "big girl" bedding will be (granted this is still months away, but I've gotta get my wheels turning). If she hadn't been born a week late I might not have finished her crib bedding (oh the memories of laboring of 3" squared patchwork at 41 weeks pregnant! . . . sigh). Anyways, this is totally it. I'm thinking brighter fantastic colors and maybe some sweet head accesories for some of the nigh nigh creatures (bows maybe?) Anyways, I'm stoked and wish I could start this right this second!!!! hahaha But alas, my laundry awaits!

1 comment:

Taumi said...

Genius! You HAVE to post yous when you are done!