Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yummy Homemade Bread made Easy

Y woke up this morning at 7, bleh, she usually sleeps till 8:30 or 9, but I'm banking on an ealier naptime to compensate . . . .hoping hoping. Anyway, I woke up this morning with the brilliant idea to throw my neglected bread machine a bone. Isn't it great when you get an idea that you want to make something and you miraculously have all the ingredients/supplies on hand?? I got this recipe from my MIL who got it from her friend, Hiedi . . . I don't know where she got it :) I call it Hiedi's bread recipe :P What I'm trying to say is, this is totally not my recipe, but it's just so darn easy and yummy I had to share. I use my bread machine for the first half of it's standard cycle (which is an hour and a half into the 3 hr cycle), that way the machine gets some love and I don't have to do all the kneading :)

Here ya go, try it, you'll like it!
1 1/2 C Water (almost hot)
4 Tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 C oil
1/4 Cup margarine or butter
2 tsp dry yeast
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups whole wheat flour

1. Combine ingredients in your bread machine, some machines have an order they like you to put them in, I think mine does, but I just sorta winged it and it turned out fine!
2. Like I mentioned above, I let my bread machine run on the standard cycle for 1.5 hours or half the length of the cycle.
3. Take out the bread, knead it into shape and put it in a greased bread pan.
4. Time to let it rise! Preheat oven to 425 when it gets close to cookin' time
5. Bake for 10 minutes at 425 and 20 minutes at 350
6 Take out of pan immediately and cool on a rack.

You don't have to have the bread machine, it's just easier if you do. If you don't, you combine ingredients and knead until it's a uniform ball of dough, then you set it in a greased bowl, cover with a towel and let it rise. Then you knead it more and let it rise again, then you put it in the pan and that whole thing is all the same as above :)

The result is worth the effort and the effort is not much!

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