Thursday, April 8, 2010

Marshmallow Fondant

Here's the link to the tutorial on Marshmallow Fondant I used, I made WAY too much (2 batches! didn't even use a full 1) Also, I enlisted my husband to do most of the kneading :) he wins!

Anyways, I colored mine by dabbing spots of gel food coloring into the fondant and kneading it until it was distributed evenly. . . so much kneading :)

Marshmallow Fondant Tutorial

A Note on Taste: This fondant is supposed to taste better than normal fondant, which I think it does. My husband, best friend, and I had a difficult time pinpointing the taste at first. We likened it to the marshmallows from Lucky Charms cereal, but later decided it taste almost exactly like Divinity :) It's sweet, I wouldn't say delicious, but way better than other fondant I've tasted! Have fun!

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