Sunday, March 20, 2011

making a cake while they sleep . . .

it's 12:42 am. here's a preview of the big 3 celebration . . . i can't wait to show you all the cutesy projects when all is said and done with and i have time to blog. But seriously, those mini cupcakes!!! I saw them, somewhere online and LOVED them. Just a mini reese's with some frosting and sprinkles!! I'm off to make a skirt that hopefully looks like a cupcake wrapper and then hopefully hopefully off to bed :)

happy birthday, my precious girl! you made my life whole!

1 comment:

Laura said...

You are putting a lot of time and energy into this one's party -- it will be fabulous! Love the theme -- how cute, a skirt that looks like a cupcake wrapper? You are amazing!! What a lucky girl!