Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ni Hao Kai Lan Birthday Party

She turned 2 last month . . .

we're still very into Ni Hao Kai Lan

My incredibly exciting success with Marshmallow Fondant! Also, my super best-friend's adorable addition of caramel fortune cookie cupcake toppers!

Birthday Baby!

Indestructible Mr. Sun Pinanta (I may or may not have went a little overboard on the paper mache layers)
all she wanted to do the whole time was jump on the trampoline with her friends :)


Taumi said...

Again, amazing! I have not ventured much into cake decorating but this makes me want to! Marshmellow fondant! Didn't know it existed. Must be tastier.

Laura said...

I LOVE your new blog look -- all of it. =) Looks amazing. And what a fun party for Yori!!!!!

Bri said...

aw thanks guys!

Anonymous said...

What did u use the rice boxes for?

Unknown said...

Love the Mr. Sun pinata which I wanted to do for my daughters Ni Hao Kilan party, how did you make it?

Bri said...

I actually bought a large play ball @ walmart (the cheap like $2.50 ones) and paper mache'd a couple of layers of newspaper strips plus a paper mache go recipe I just found w/ google. Then I cut it down the middle and removed the ball and then did a layer of paper mache' to glue the two halves back into a sphere. Then I painted it yellow and cut a little flap in the top to pour in the candy. It was semi-indestructable, would only do a like 3 layers next time :)