Friday, October 22, 2010

makes quilts in her free time

I know I've mentioned it before, but I am a wandering crafter, I have yet to find one TRUE creative passion, one area that I can limit myself to and excel in :P I do, however, find lots of mini-passions and given the time issue of having 2 little ones, this works well for me. My current love in the creative world: quilts :) Tossed Nine Patch quilts to be more specific! There's a super secret tricky that makes these incredibly easy and I'm working on a tutorial (though you can find others out there, this is NOT my idea by any means . . . it's not so super secret afterall but I like the sound of it and that's how I felt when I discovered it) to break it down for you, then you might join me on this quilt adventure!

They're all asleep, except maybe a cat or two, so it's just me, my sewing machine, the TV-which is currently tuned into this suprisingly impressive show:

-and 4 quilt tops waiting to be married to some ridiculously cute flannel backs and tied up with shiny embroidery floss. It is a race against time and sore thimble-less fingers. Can I accomplish this all tonight before my cold and the fatigue of this entire week catch up with me? And also, if I'm attempting this, why am I in the office blogging? It's a bad idea to store my supplies in the same room as the computer :) haha, if I could only remember what I came in here for in the first place . . .

1 comment:

Taumi said...

awesome, I am exactly the same way...can't keep myself from dabbling in anything that catches my fancy! Love quilts and always wanted to make one but I actually don't know how to use my sewing machine...=( I sewed a lot when I was a preteen but then didn't after that and now I'm an idiot who can't figure out her tension. Someday...