Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Canny McCan Can

So, my partner in crime when it comes to all things domestic, frugal, & fabulous came down for a visit this past weekend and we made a go at canning apple pie filling ROUND 2!

We were STOKED to find our apples at the local grocery store, yes the same one we used to ride our bikes to for 15 cent boxes of Jawbreakers, Cherry Clan & Alexander the Grape (time is a funny thing, right?). They had Organic Fuji's for only 39 cents a pound, strangely the exact price as not-organic ones-BONUS!

Here's a link to the instructions we used, it turned out pretty easy again. I had too many things going at once so we didn't start till late, but there isn't anyone else I'd rather be deliriously chatting and laughing with at 4 am while apple smelly steam frizzes my hair. I really want to take a whirl at pressure canning, anyone tried it? I'm a little afraid that it might explode and kill me . . . a little.

Anyways, I think 2 years in a row officially seals this as an Autumn Tradition!!

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