Friday, July 8, 2011

Setting a table a la Antoinette

I ordered the table dressings for Miss A's Baroque style garden party 1st Birthday! Did you know it is incredibly cheaper to BUY table linens online then to rent them locally?? Pretty crazy. The only thing is I will now be the proud owner of 6 sea foam table cloths and 6 champagne taffeta overlays that I will likely seldom use again :) Anyways, I was just so excited at how the vision is pulling together, and had to share!
*all pics are linked to where I purchased them in case you find yourself in dire need of replicating this party or some variation there of :)


Laura said...

Fancy!! Beautiful! :)

Taumi said...

Been hunting for decently priced gold flatware...are these real or plastic? I want to have a gold and white party with maybe a hint of mint or pink.