Yesterday we ventured on a little day trip to one of the tiny little farm towns that speckle this lovely state to attend a blueberry festival and visit an alpaca farm :)
Y was so incredibly excited to pick blueberries. It took an hour and a half drive, a short hayride through an orchard, and a quick stop to pick up buckets at the kiosk before we were out to the field for . . . only about 20 minutes (if that :P haha!). Where Y's enthusiasm was blossoming, A's wilted before it ever had the chance :) So, 20 minutes of torturing the baby strapped to my husband's back was all any of us could take. Little Miss A is not a blueberry picking enthusiast. Not yet, anyway.

The festival was adorable. Live music playing in the background while the yummy smell of smokey BBQ (which this vegetarian girl still thoroughly enjoys) mingles with the sweet aroma of fresh blueberry donuts though the air. There was tons of antiques booths, play places, tire swings and all kinds of goodness :)
It was so lovely to spend some sweet summer time with my family.
What fun! :) I love this idea...curious what small town you visited {message me}. ;) Sorry A didn't handle the blueberry picking so well...maybe she'll warm up to the idea soon.
I love alpaca too. There was a wall hanging in Campus Ministries made of it that just called to be petted all the time. We obliged.
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